Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Absent but not forgotten...

I've not forgotten about this blog.  I just haven't had much material or updates or anything to talk about.  Also went through bad storms and flooding in the Nashville area a couple of weeks ago.  My roommates and I got off light compared to a lot of other people.  There have been a lot of factors lately contributing to my lack of writing, trying to write, etc, but most are past now.  The only one I can think of right now that remains is proper sleep, which should not be a problem, but somehow blindsides me every now again.  Slips past, or something.


Yeah, I'm still here.  Had a lot of other things on my mind lately.  I'm prioritizing the various writing ideas/projects I got going on/floating around in my head.  Something productive will happen soon.  I promise.

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